Monday, September 1, 2008


today was a boring day.

let's see, woke up at like 10:30. i hate waking up late; it wastes your day. Anywhoo, got dressed, ate captain crunch, went on the computer and was home alone. Someone knocked on the door and i didn't answer because i was scared. i looked out the hole and it was two creepy mexican guys. Then, i went around the house and locked all the doors being paranoid that they might come back, lol.
Next, my parents came home with the dogs. Me and mom went to TJ MAX with my grandma. After TJ MAX, ben and jerrys! talk about yummmy in my tummmy. came home. talked to christina on aim while she was looking at houses with her mom and trent. Then we were talking about how cool it would be to be neighbors! hahah.
Fed dogs. now made a new blog for i didn't update my other one!
Chinese Food for dinner! (:
School tmrw, yay.

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